
302: Halloween

My boxer, fire fighter, Sasquatch and Little Red Riding Hood.

Gone are the days of my cool coordinated family costume plans– the downfall of having bigger children with minds of their own. Now they all just inform me of what they will be so I can make it happen.

iphone + instagram: October

Month of birthdays!


301: Math homework. . . sort of.

We used a compass (of the homemade variety) and there were some measurements and multiplication involved.

And really, if I'm ever going to convince her that math might be worth her time, it's going to have to be linked to worthwhile tasks. . . like designing giant red cloak & making a pattern to create it.

Because really what winter outfit isn't a little more fun with a bright red cloak, perfectly tailored to you, that perfectly matches your bright red shoes? It will be perfect for some Halloween Red Riding Hood impersonation and any time she needs some general wardrobe variety at any point after. 


Lex's Marine Birthday

Lex is officially five. He had his marine birthday party yesterday. (And no, it is not an army party or a soldier party or a military party, it was very specifically a "marine" birthday. The specificity may have something to do with having the marine father.)

He told me that he wanted a marine party about a month ago. I had no idea what that meant. He explained it involved camouflage. And shooting people. Fun with guns–just the sort of party people want to send their children to. I tried to explain that maybe shooting each other wasn't the best party game but he just explained to me, "Really, Mom? They aren't real guns. It's pretend."

Since I never have time to plan ahead lately anyway we did no more thinking about the party until a few days before his birthday. Or I did no more planning at least– Lex was still thinking about it. My kids love birthdays and birthday parties. 
So, a few days before his birthday I asked him again and we were still stuck on the marine idea. I ordered some blank dog tags we could stamp, little plastic military helmets, a bunch of the plastic toy "marines," and camo colored tye-dye on amazon.  (Yay amazon prime and their ability delivery the next day after I decide I need something!) I picked up a couple packages of plain white Hanes t-shirts and a few boxes of cake mix and green and black balloons on the way home from work the next day and we were set.

Okay, I also bought a dozen cheap, miniature nerf guns. It was the main request. These guests all know what they're getting into visiting us anyway. They've been here before.

We made cool camouflage marine guy cupcakes for his preschool class on his birthday. (Well he thought they were cool and that's really all that matters.)

I had a cool plan for a camouflage cake I was going to try to make for his party at home and then when I actually got around to baking the cakes at 3:30 in the morning I realized I still didn't have all my circular cake pans back. This is now the third time I've realized this while baking birthday cakes at 3:00 am and still haven't retrieved the pans. I need to do better at organizing my baking supplies. Or my life. There are less resources available for coming up with new plans when you're cooking in the middle of the night.

But this was the new plan– a mountain. (It's supposed to be a mountain.) The cake underneath looks camouflage too. Or, rotten. I suppose it's a matter of perspective.

Lex was pretty happy overall. The good thing about a giant family & great friends is that really all you need for a great birthday celebration is a mass text with the party time & place and some take out pizza. Instant party. Add in some tye-dying messiness, nerf guns, and a pinata to beat open and it's even better.

I still have a few more photos of their shirts and and cake making and his birthday movie to upload & link to, but I'm posting these now since I know if I wait, it won't get done. (Azia asked me about her movie when they were looking at all the pictures on here this weekend and I realized I never put up her birthday stuff –from July– because I was waiting till I uploaded her video to YouTube.) When I get the personal secretary to organize all my small life tasks things will all get done much more promptly.

So, a few party photos for now.

Maybe to be added to a little later.

And maybe not.

Happy Birthday, Lex!

300: Pumpkin Carvers

We finally got around to carving pumpkins. Mostly my kids were just excited to make and eat the pumpkin seeds.  Unfortunately I burned them later in the evening. I was trying to be nice and cook them for them after they went to bed. Then an hour or so later, while I was working upstairs,  I spent about 15 minutes trying to figure out why I was imagining the smell of fried chicken at like 1:00 am.

Apparently seasoned (and burned) pumpkin seeds smell like fried chicken to me.
I tried to convince Lex to put his pants back on so we wasn't in his underwear in our carving pictures. He just told me he doesn't care if he is in his underwear because he likes his underwear. I'd like to think these sorts of pictures will embarrass him 10 years from now, but at this point that doesn't seem likely.


299: Celebrating Five

Lex finally got to celebrate his birthday.  More pictures to follow soon. . .


298: Israel's Party

Israel has had a Halloween party (of some version) pretty much every year since he was about two-- we missed the year Lex was born since he arrived the day before he usually had the party, but we even had one the year Zoran was born a week and a half before. When Israel was really little it was just a few of my friends and their kids and we'd carve pumpkins. As he got older we did costume parties and a few times even did his birthday early and combined the two events. It got really big for a few years when he had younger siblings around and old enough to join in on the fun. A few years ago, once they were all big enough to invite friends, we had so many people they hardly all fit in the house and we had different games and things going on in all different rooms. By that point Israel was nearly a teenager and we were still doing all the little kid sort of harvest games and activities so he and his friends actually ran games for the younger ones. He's been kind of sad that his party got taken over by little people (or diminished in scale now that he has two younger brothers with birthdays right before Halloween) so he wanted to have a party this year just for his friends again.

Its sort of new territory for me, this teenage version of hanging out. Less work in a lot of ways, since mostly what they're interested in for a party at this point is just a lot of food and somewhere to hang out. It's a much different sort of supervision, too, than keeping a bunch of preschool and elementary kids safe and accounted for.

And although it was a high school party, I didn't send away the small siblings. They were actually pretty excited to be a part (sort of) of Israel's party. I think in some ways it was a bit more exciting for them than having a kid Halloween party. Israel's friends are all really nice to the younger kids, too. They didn't have to include them in what they were doing, but many of them did.  Lex even wanted many of them to come back to his birthday party the next day.


297: more fire

What is this disturbing new trend with vehicles on fire in the middle of the night? Our local fire & ambulance have had a lot of calls like this lately.


296: Winter vs. Fall

The seasons have been unable to decided who is in charge around here lately.


Lex. 5.

We’ve made it, both Lex and I, though his fifth year.

Of course we’re bruised, a little scraped up, covered in permanent markers and dirt. We both have a little more grey hair (mine natural; his achieved with a can of white spray paint in an attempt “to look like an old guy.”) There is also a 37% chance one of us is naked right now. Still, we made it.

Lex is interested in no pace or path but his own. This means I’ll continue to be amazed and crazed as I try to direct some of his days. Smart and strong and happily smashing anything that gets in his way (as well as many things that don’t) Lex is already headed full speed into his next year.

It will be a good journey. When clothes are required, he’ll surely be dressed stylishly in a shirt at least two full sizes too small, skinny jeans with holes in the knees, and some muck boots. Unless he’s relaxing after school, in which case you’ll find him chillin’ with a mango jelly sandwich in some camo boxers. If it’s a very special occasion (say, a Tuesday) he’ll probably put on a cape and mask. Maybe a batting helmet and a spiderman floatation device. 

There will be some peril involved in the journey ahead—mostly of it eagerly  sought out and orchestrated by Lex. He moves quickly and is excited by all those interesting but less traveled paths. There will be more moments of panic where I feel like I’ve lost him. And then I’ll hear his little voice from the opposite tip-top corner of a 50-foot-wide corn maze, from the top of a house-high boulder beside the trail, or from the comfortable seat he’s made himself in a pile of hay asking, once again “What are you doing, Mom?” always keeping me in his sight, checking in again when he pauses his flurry of activity and seems to sense I’m becoming too worried.

His mind is as restless as his body. Always questioning where we are and were we’re headed next, mapping out future adventures and reciting and confirming the name of every town we travel through, repeating which one follows the next to get him where he wants to go. When the sun goes down he moves on to memorizing the stars, trying to remember their stories and patterns, trying to figure out how they too can tell him more about where he is. Or where he might go next.

It’s important to have a firm understanding of where you are when you are so determined to explore so many places on your own and so committed to always finding your way back home.

Lex is confident in where he is and where he’s going—much more so than I’d prefer a four-year-old I’m responsible for be.

Of course, he’s five now.

And truthfully, he’s rarely the one who is lost.

He explained to me last month that every morning he pledges allegiance to the “magical states of America.”

Some times I start to forget we’re all a part of those magical states.

And then Lex runs by, in the middle of some new discovery, wearing his invisible shoes.

295: Grandma's New Toy

We finally went to deliver Grandma's birthday present tonight. (Really I wasn't just keeping it all month so I could play with it since it's all new and not cracked and overall just nicer than mine.) We set her up with a facebook account,  downloaded a few photos so she could access them easily, and Michael showed her facetime and promised to come back tomorrow to add a keno game. Grandma's favorite thing has always been her family (I personally like think grandkids are at the top of the list, though her own children and those great-grand children rank pretty high too) and she has always loved and collected photos. She has them everywhere– on her walls, in albums, in her purse. Hopefully helping her get online will let her feel more connected to not just those of us here in town,  but also her family in Utah and Nevada that she doesn't get to see as often. Since we all share hundreds of photos online, hopefully she'll get to see more of them since we haven't been very good out printing things out lately.

It was kind of late by the time we got up to see her–– everyone there was already ready for bed. We tried not to stay too long and told her we'd come back in the next few days to show her a few more things. I figured she probably wanted to get to sleep. About a half an hour after we left Jim called me with some ipad operating questions. I guess she was a little too excited about her new toy to go right to sleep. Of course since she lives with her son, it's nice she has some built in technical support. Sorry Jim. :) 


293: First Snow

First real flakes today. . .of course all the kids had to run outside and check it out. A few inches even stuck around and covered everything in white. I love the snow, but I would prefer if it waited to appear until we had a few more weeks to enjoy the fall!


292: Missoula Maze

We went to the Missoula Maze this afternoon and of course Lex got lost in the maze.

Once I realized he had escaped from the older boys up front, as quickly as I could I made it to the lookout so I could try to locate him in the maze down below. As I was scanning the trails I heard "Hey, Mom! Hey Mom, what are you looking for in there?" I looked across to the far corner of the maze and there was Lex, sitting way up top, just beneath the flag on the little corner straw bale tower waving to me holding his little map to the maze.  After he saw me he climbed down from the little corner tower, sat down (still on the top of the maze) and continued to try to tell me about his map.  We couldn't hear each other very well since we were so far apart, so instead of staying there so I could get him, he got up and began walking across the tops of the bales. (Yes, I'm choosing to believe this was because he couldn't hear me.)  This got the attention of one the official sorts of maze monitoring people who then jumped up and retrieved him.

But since it was Lex and not a normal four-year-old he didn't get worried or start crying and actually never believed he was lost at all. He explained to me very clearly he knew where he was the whole time. He also apparently knew where I was most of the time.  I told him he still couldn't run off, and he couldn't climb up on top of the maze. The rules were you just followed the map to find your way out.

He just sighed and shook his head, "Mom, I can't follow this thing. I don't know how to read you know."

Sometimes my lack of logic really just makes him crazy.                                      


290: all four

We took a few minutes to take pictures of the kids today. It went pretty much as usual, which means not so awesome. I do consider it a success because see here– all in four one picture frame. That's often the best I can do. And I included a lot of field and sky so Azia is far away and you can't really tell she is crying. Also, the movement is a stylistic thing, not at all related to the younger boys both on about to run completely away from me in opposite directions.


289: stealing the turf at half time

The high school boys had their last football game tonight against Ronan.

At the moment it seems sort of sad and depressing that the senior boys won't be back again next fall. So instead of dwelling on the sad things about all these kids getting older, I'll think about all the fun still in store with these younger ones who will still be around for another decade or so. . .


288: Last games of the season!

Volleyball senior night tonight.

I'm going to miss watching these girls play. This is a great group of seniors.


286: colors

I took school pictures for Lex's class today.

It's too bad we couldn't have done it any of these places we stopped on the way home instead of in the classroom where we had to take them! (Due to the unfortunately, perfectly timed stormy weather.)


285: haircut

I convinced Lex to let me cut his hair tonight. This is sort of what the experience felt like. (photo by Azia)

I think it was a good decision overall, because I did shave off the "grey" he added sometime last Saturday morning as we were getting ready for soccer. Though he wouldn't tell me what he used, I suspect it was the white spray paint that was in the laundry room. When I noticed his white hair up at the soccer fields I asked if he did something to it. He said yes he had because, as he explained, "I wanted to look like an old guy." He wouldn't give me any additional information.

I was fine with the grey being gone, but the downside is that you can more clearly see the gash in his head just behind his hairline. The other day when cruising around in the handicapped scooter in the driveway he took a corner too fast and bailed off the back– you know, typical head injury for a four-year-old.


284: "If they'd just apply themselves. . ."

My children's conflicted relationship with school continues to drive me crazy.  Both Israel and Azia came home after getting their scores for last year's testing and they thought it was hilarious because they both did "better than all the smart kids!" I got annoyed at them and tried to explain that there is no reason they couldn't be the smart kids. But that seems to be more about being a part of a social group smart enough to have good habits rather than any assessment of existing innate intelligence, and they both ignored me and went on to clarify they even did better than the "really smart" kids.

I really think that it would be much smarter of them to just do the work that the teachers give them. But Azia often doesn't find that very interesting; Israel explained to me after giving the good student thing a try for one quarter last year that it really was quite a lot of work to try to get good grades. It's totally different than testing (which he enjoys much more) because it's so easy and the teachers don't bother you and there isn't any homework. Israel completely topped out the reading and science sections this year. This is the second year he did that with reading even though as often as not he wasn't passing English last year.

Sometimes I think they are not related to me at all.

Especally Azia. She even topped out the math. All 300 points. Who are these children and where are the studious little obedient ones I surely deserve for all my diligent years as a student?


283: Birthday Boys!

It was Zoran's real birthday today (in the middle of a super-packed October Saturday) but Bryce's is coming up soon too, so we did a birthday lunch and cake and ice cream for both of them after their soccer game.

(And the simple lunch cam with a promise of a mini-birthday trip to follow on Bryce's birthday. . . so really it's a pretty good deal for both of them to get to celebrate twice.)


282: Homecoming

I was taking pictures at the homecoming pep assembly and the parade and could not find any of my own children anywhere.

I was thinking that it was because there were hundreds of people and it was just to hard to pick them out in the crowd. And then the second time I looked at the freshman float I realized Israel was in the middle of that-- actually the only kid on it.

Maybe I need to work on being a little more observant.


281: For my birthday: Dirty Dishes.

I seem to have this awful tradition of staying up till like 2:00am every night on my birthday cleaning the kitchen. This year I couldn't do that since I stayed up the entire night finishing a contract work project and getting it sent off before I went to work the next morning.  Luckily, no one else cleaned up at all while I was working so I got to do an even longer kitchen clean up the next night.

I think I'm going to start a paper dishes only law for those middle few weeks of October that are always so hectic around here and cut off the power to the oven and microwave.  Maybe it would make me less angry at everyone old enough to clean up after themselves. . . which these days is basically everyone who lives here. I haven't even had time to buy groceries in the last month, but apparently you don't need much food to still dirty many dishes, so I need a better plan.


280: Birthday Cake Bakers

Lex was quite worried that I didn't have a party and presents and cake and those things he expects birthdays should entail so he convinced others to help with some cake making. (I don't think he was much help with the actual baking, but he did add some nice frosting decorations.)


279: White Out

This week has been a good reminder of what a good place I come from. One of our long-time community members and coaches has a hard battle ahead of him. This week a few of his old players and fellow community members organized a week of white out activities to remind him No One Fights Alone.  It's nice to be reminded, especially when so many are struggling with so much that is so hard, that there are still many places in the world where people do care about their neighbors and do want to show up for each other.


278: Stiff Arm.

Possibly my favorite football of Israel to date. In their win this evening over Troy.


277: Punt Pass Kick

Azia won the local Punt Pass Kick competition and the opportunity to compete at the sectional competition. She didn't place at that level, but it was a fun afternoon watching her compete with all the other kids from Western Montana.

Also, I don't think she did too bad at all considering the week before she came home from school and asked me, "Hey, Mom, what's punting?"

Not too bad for a beginner!


276: Strong is Beautiful.

This is one of the things I most hope she'll remember over the next decade or so.

Azia has almost always been aggressive and bold (even when she used to be the tiniest one out on the field). She's confident and decisive and loves sports like soccer and softball where she can throw, kick, and hit hard.  The last year or so I've already noticed some of the other girls in her class beginning to be much more interested in things I value much less than strength.

I'd imagine I'm a lot more worried about her starting middle school than she will be.



274: beginnings

My favorite piece of today was mostly not my story at all. I still feel very fortunate to have be a small part of the beginning of someone else's story.

I got to be a part of a little boys first few minutes of life. People almost always call the ambulance when things have gone wrong– sometimes horribly so, it was nice to be there for something that was all perfectly natural and right. . . even if it happened more quickly than anticipated so the little guy joined the world at home rather than the hospital as his mom had planned.


273: First Snow!

Okay, it's only in the mountains, none on the ground yet, but yesterday there the mountains were completely bare and it was 80 degrees.  Weather can shift so quickly. Mornings are crisp now & I want the heater on while I'm driving to work. But then I still need the AC (even though I don't still don't actually have AC) by the time I'm driving home for the day.

I'm enjoying the change though; I'm definitely ready for cool fall days.


272: Bison Range Roundup

Well, we came to see the buffalo and watch the roundup, but there were these really cool horses. . .


271: MHS Football Team, 2022

a collection of little brothers on the sidelines; Missoula Loyola JV game

They're all watching their older brothers, getting ready.