
Plains Fair 2010

Zoran & Azia-Rain enjoying the rollercoaster.
We spent Saturday in Plains at the fair. Every thing about it was pretty good...except for the $25 a person price for the bracelets. (It's times like these I'm very aware how many children we have.) Even with the cost though, there is something festive and just happy about the fair.

The fairgrounds are right by the river so it makes it convenient to take swim breaks in the middle of riding rides. It wasn't actually as warm Saturday as it had been Friday--it even looked like it might rain for awhile, but it turned out to be a pretty perfect day. Even with all the time we spend swimming, at lakes and water and rivers in the summer, they're always up for more.
more Zoran

Israel swinging upside down, over giant pointy rocks...what a great idea. Why is his mother taking photographs instead of telling him to stop?
Israel, Gage & Daij
Why do boys like to jump off things so much? Of course as soon as they saw the bridge and heard there was a rope swing they were off to explore. Nothing like our backyard Jocko spot but still pretty fun.
I seemed to like taking photos of Zoran Saturday.
Lex & Zoran flying the helicopter.
Riding the Ferris Wheel with Azia
The boys trying to win some prizes. 
Lex the driver. 
Azia & Lex waiting in line.
Lex was pretty nervous about the rollercoaster. It was going a little too fast to be fun.
But Azia & Zoran loved it!
They even had a front row seat!
Everyone seemed to want food from different stands, so it took us so long to find and gather and eat everything. By the time we were finished and ready to head back to the rides it was getting dark. I love carnival rides & the fair at night.
Checking in with Israel. We only saw the older boys every hour or so. They were off having adventures on their own. At this point Israel explained:"Hey, I puked. It was awesome." I think there was some explanation after that, but I left with Zoran to try out the Tilt-o-whirl after that first part. I didn't think I really needed any more details. Middle school boys are weird.
Eldon, Iyezk & Bryce on the slides. I thought it was pretty awesome that from the other side of the midway, in this darkness, I saw Bryce's silhouette (and the orange glow of his hair) at the very top of this huge slide and actually recognized it was him.
The photo Christina took of me, Iyezk, Bryce & Zoran. They were pretty good partners. Iyezk couldn't really see over that bar. He told me he could just slip underneath and get out, but we convinced him it wasn't a good idea. Bryce told me about how his dad reached out and grabbed the fence. He also told me he had told Eldon "I wouldn't do that if I was you" and went on to explain that Eldon didn't always listen to him when he should. After this ride we went to the Gravitron. Bryce like that one too even though he said they played the music his mom didn't let him listen to. And they played it loud.

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli


  1. beautiful shots. Loved the swing picture and the one as you were entering the fair. What a great time!

  2. So many wonderful photos! Those are the types of memories they will be telling their own kids about one day!
