Israel has been a little obsessed by trapping things for the last few months. Initially he was sure he needed a raccoon. Lately he's wanted a fox. Him and Bridger made a few traps. I'm not sure where they got this live trap. Anyone, he finally caught something, but not what he was expecting. He checked it this afternoon & there was a wild cat in there. I'm beginning to wonder how many of these there are around here. This one I'd never seen before but it was huge and obviously old so he'd been around awhile. I was worried it was going to eat out little cat. Or one of my boys so I told Israel to take it back up by the shed away from everyone and be careful letting him out. I went inside and a few minutes later heard shrieking and looked outside to see a whole trail of boys chasing it across the field towards Christina & Eldon's house. Hopefully it didn't eat their wild rabbit.
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