“Freedom is nothing else
but a chance to be better.”
but a chance to be better.”
Albert Camus
Hectic, but lots of fun.
I think I've finally recovered from my Valentines Day cookie overload, because I was able to make sugar cookies with the kids Friday. Azia & Addison also got very crafty and created some patriotic t-shirts and skirts. They are both incredibly original designers.

After some early morning ambulance calls Saturday, I came back & got all the kids ready to head up to the Dam for Gage's birthday. With this odd, cool July weather we had sweatshirts and even an umbrella once or twice rather than the usual swimsuits and water balloons for Gage's parties.

Gage on his new birthday present and the cool cake Deva & Arrow made him.
After a few hours at the Dam, we left one birthday to head to another. Emily turned 4 on Saturday. So we headed back into town to meet up with dozens more kids, eat even more food and have a second round of cake and ice cream.
We were planning to head down to the Powwow Saturday night, but Azia went home with Jenna and Israel stayed with Gage, and it was looking like it might be rainy so we actually had an hour or two break in between events and later in the evening we had friends over to watch the UFC fight at our house. Zoran was mad about missing the Powwow at first, but he was excited about the fights too--or mostly having people over. All my children are strangely social. I was a little bummed after I realized so many other people went on the 3rd I didn't see there the other days but it was nice to have an evening to hang out at home.
Sunday we got up and got ready to head down to Arlee for the parade.
Dev & Smokey Bear in the Parade
The kids really liked it, but the parade seemed really short this year. We were right at the beginning of the route, but everything was over about 10 minutes after it started.

Lex was ready for some more parade even though everything was over.
Apparently even Mia was patriotic.
We left the Parade and headed over to the Powwow. Usually the Powwow is slightly awful right after the parade because it is so hot and crowded, but it was still really mild weather Sunday. Still pretty crowded, but not uncomfortable to be outside there.
Azia, Destiny, Paisley & Tinker
Kanana just hanging out. Looking cool. Waiting for the bigger kids.
Azia & Paisley making their way to their spot for Grand Entry.
Paisley couldn't wait to actually get inside before she started dancing. I love this picture of her.
All the dancers in the pavilion.
After the Powwow we headed up to Cordiers' for some BBQ and swimming. And of course fireworks.

Lex was pretty happy from the moment he arrived because they had an ambulance, a pirate ship and multiple Buzz Lightyears. Could life get any better? Oh yes it can. He later discovered he could play with all of these while in the swimming pool!

The kids didn't seem to be real aware that it was hardly hot swimming weather. The pool was 80+ degrees and they're used to swimming in the Dam, so I guess it probably did seem pretty pleasant.
They have such a beautiful view of the valley from their yard.
Dev rationing the older boys' bottle rocket onslaught.
Apparently Israel isn't wise enough not to hold on to lit explosives.
Lex did eventually warm up to the sparklers, but he wasn't really a fan of any other fireworks. Loud noises are his weakness. Gwen was just asking the other day if there was anything he was afraid of or anything that ever worried him. Not much does. Loud fire alarms is the only things I'd found (which is a but strange considering his obsession with any emergency vehicle with lights & sirens). Now we can add loud fireworks to the list. The swimming didn't stop when the sun went down.

The cool lantern everyone signed and sent up into the air.
After getting out of the pool Azia went and put her red, white & blue skirt on over her sweats before lighting fireworks. Always dressed for the occasion that one.
This is how Lex watched most of the fireworks. Until he just abruptly got up and said. "I'm going to the car, Mom. Let me in the car, Mom." And then he watched the rest from inside.
Definitely a fun weekend. When I looked back at everything we did, I didn't feel quite so bad about not scheduling in even an hour of work...there really weren't many hours left.
I've also decided I'm going to start enjoying the 4th of July even more. As I've seen over the past few days (in virtual ways) what everyone was up to over the weekend (both locally and my faraway friends) I've realized what a cool sort of celebration this is. The details for everyone are different, but I've loved realizing so many people are celebrating what they have here in our country with the people important to them in all sorts of cool ways, all at the same time.
Of course when you have kids, they're always ready to celebrate, but a holiday to celebrate freedom & independence? That seems about perfect for me.
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