Azia's been telling me for the last couple weeks, "You know, it's been a long time since I've been to the spa. When are we going?"
Seriously? She's eight.
It has been awhile though--over a year now. It still confuses me that she'd think we (or at least she) is a spa-type of person. Maybe it's partly my doing because I did bring her there last time. It's probably a little sad that my daughter got a real manicure and pedicure before I ever did. This doesn't just mean that she was like seven and I was over 30. Hers was in the beginning of 2009; mine was a few months ago. She also told me she'd like to get a facial next time she went and began asking me about the purposes behind each step. (I really know nothing about any of this, but sometime I make things up. I think she believes me.)
Anyway since we couldn't figure out anytime to schedule an appointment and since I've been promising her and Addison they could paint their nails for like a month now, we decided to just do it here before school started. Well, kind of.
The girls with their reading material soaking in their bubbly foot bath...sort of. |
We don't actually have any cool tubs for pedicures. But I did have a new package of disposable Glade food storage bins so we improvised. Good thing the girls have tiny feet! |
Once we started, the boys felt a little left out. The had to do all the foot care steps, too. Dev was giving Zoran a hard time about it, but Zoran told him he wasn't going to paint his toes. I figure any time I can get any of my boys to willingly wash their feet I'm going for it. The little boys weren't much for washing though. Basically they liked splashing. Sage also kept trying to eat the bubbles out of other people foaming foot baths. Boys are so gross. |
We have an impressive collection of random old crusty polish colors as well as a few new ones that are mostly empty because they usually get dumped whenever anyone gets them out. Most are the classy .99 cent bottles. |
Azia shaping her nails. They found these files, and were annoyed I forgot this step, but I don't think they actually know what they are for or what they were attempting to accomplish as they filed away. |
The boys really couldn't stand being left out. They just kept scooting closer and closer to whoever was getting painted. (Except for Sage--he opened the green and painted his own toes. And hands. And arms and legs.) These two boys may have a little paint on their toes. It's black though, so it's really masculine. And just look how happy it makes them to admire it! |
These match Azia's first day of school outfit. She was annoyed I couldn't paint sculls on all her toes. I'm not nearly talented enough for that. She doesn't even really have a pinky toe her little toes are so stubby! Addison got striped nails (orange and two shades of green). |
We did pretty good finishing up the toes. The of course they wanted their hands done and it got a little crazy at that point. We were running out of time because it was the end of the day. Both the girls kept smudging them on everthing because they can't really sit still for more than 30 seconds. Then the little boys wouldn't stay out of things and they kept attacking the girls and stealing things from them. And they were just wild and crazy because that's how they always are. Lex was able to hit Addison with a broom at the perfect angle to smudge all 10 nails at once. Such skill. And then Addison dumped the whole tiny baggy of jewels she was going to take home and put on her nails before she even got out the door.
But for a few hours they still felt pampered and excited to get ready for school; that's probably the most important part.
Azia's already planning her facial. She's pretty sure zucchini will work in place of cucumbers for her eyes and since she's noticed we have zucchini to spare so she's ready to go.
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